1)/*word break problem*/
2)/*Permute String*/
3)/*Grouping Anagrams */
4)/*sort by last name : comaparator in java 8 */
P.S the following has been picked up from internet & is not original work
5)/* Find if a word is present in a sentence */
public static boolean searchString(String find){ return ("Yellow Banana,Green Apple red Apple ,Oranges ".indexOf(find)== -1)?false:true; }
6)/* Check Panagram */
Working on optimal solution for
7)/* Check Anagrams */
public static void checkDigits(){ String first = "Morning10"; //Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*\\D.*"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*[^0-9].*"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(first); if(matcher.matches()) System.out.println("yes there are digits present !"); }
8)/* Find first non repeating character*/
Solution 1
public static void nonRepeatingChar(){ String first = "Morning"; for(int i=0;i String tempStr =first.substring(0, i)+first.substring(i+1,first.length()); if(tempStr.indexOf(first.charAt(i)) == -1 ) System.out.println("The non repeating character is :"+first.charAt(i)); } }
Solution 2
Given two strings s1, s2, write a function that returns true if s2 is a special substring
A special substring s2 is such that the s1 contains s2 where each character in s2 appears in
sequence in s1, but there can be any characters in s1 in between the sequence.
isSpecialSubstring('abcdefg', 'abc') => true
isSpecialSubstring('abcdefg', 'acg') => true
isSpecialSubstring('abcdefg', 'acb') => false;
The first two are abc and acg appears in 'abcdefg' in that order, although there might be multiple chars between the next
character in s2. The last one is false, because in 'acb' the character 'b' appears before the character 'c' in 'abcdefg'
Hope thats clear.
* */
public class SpecialString {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Here is my the answer case 1:"+isSpecialSubstring("abcdefg", "abc"));
System.out.println("Here is my the answer case 2:"+isSpecialSubstring("abcdefg", "acg"));
System.out.println("Here is my the answer case 3:"+isSpecialSubstring("abcdefg", "acb"));
public static boolean isSpecialSubstring(String original, String theSubString){
if(original.indexOf(theSubString, 0) !=-1){ return true;
String order = "";
for(int i =0;i<original.length();i++){
String c = String.valueOf(original.charAt(i));
if(theSubString.contains(c)) order = order.concat(c);
if(order.indexOf(theSubString, 0) !=-1)return true;
return false; }
10)/*Max ocurring character in String */
public static void maxOccuringCharacter() {
String str = "Red roses blue sky green plants brown earth let's conserve";
TreeMap map = new TreeMap();
for(int i =0;i NavigableMap nmap=map.descendingMap();
//NavigableMap nmap=map.subMap(fromKey, toKey)
//NavigableMap nmap=map.headMap(toKey, inclusive)
//NavigableMap nmap=map.tailMap(fromKey, inclusive)
for(Character ch : map.keySet()){
int c = map.get(ch);
System.out.println("Character is :"+ ch +" Count is :"+c);
// break;
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