This page will cover java 8 tutorials with
examples. Lambda expressions are one of the important features included in java
8. Lambda Expressions are used to write concise code. Java 8 has introduced
stream API that supports functional-style operations on streams of elements.
Java 8 streams can be computed in parallel and sequential way. Sequential
computation is performed one by one in an order. In parallel processing
computations are processed simultaneously. There is many other new API such as
time, collectors, completable future etc. Now find java 8 examples one by one.
On this page we will provide Java 8 concat
Streams, Lists, Sets, Arrays example. Stream provides concat()method to concatenate two
streams and will return a stream.
On this page we will provide Java 8 Stream distinct() example. distinct() returns a stream
consisting of distinct elements of that stream.
This page will walk through java 8 Stream
tutorial with example. Java 8 has introduced a package that
consists the classes that supports functional-style operations on streams of
Java 8 Stream sorted() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Stream sorted() example. We can sort the stream in
natural ordering as well as ordering provided by Comparator.
Java 8 Stream map() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Stream map() example. It returns a Stream instance
processed by a given Function.
Java 8 Stream filter() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Stream filter() example. It is an intermediate
operation and can be used with reduce(), collect(), map() etc.
Java 8 Stream collect() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Stream collect() example. This method performs
mutable reduction operation on the stream elements.
Java 8 Stream reduce() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Stream reduce() example. It is used to get the sum
of numbers stored in List, Array etc.
On this page we will provide java 8 convert List
to Map using Collectors.toMap() example. Using lambda expression, we can
convert List to Map in a single line.
On this page we will provide java 8 convert Map
to List using Collectors.toList() example. A Map has key and value and we can
get all keys and values as List.
On this page we will provide java 8 BigDecimal
sum example. We will use lambda expression for summation of List, Map and Array
of BigDecimal.
On this page we will provide Java 8 sum of values
of Array, Map and List collection example using reduce() and collect() method.
There are various ways to calculate the sum of values in java 8.
On this page we will provide java 8 summary
statistics example. We can calculate all statistical information such as count,
min, max, sum, and average in one go.
Java 8 Collectors: joining() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Collectors joining() example. joining() method
returns Collector instance. It concatenates the input elements in encounter
Java 8 Arrays Parallel Prefix ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Arrays parallel prefix example.
Arrays.parallelPrefix() updates the array on the basis of given operator.
Java 8 Arrays Parallel Sort ExampleOn this
page we will provide Java 8 Arrays parallel Sort Example. Java 8 has introduced
a new method parallelSort() in Arrays class.
Java 8 Stream flatMapToInt,
flatMapToLong and flatMapToDouble ExampleOn this
page we will provide Java 8 Stream flatMapToInt, flatMapToLong and
flatMapToDouble example. flatMapToInt is used for int data.
Java 8 flatMap ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 flatMap example. We will discuss here
Stream.flatMap and Optional.flatMap() method.
Java 8 Runnable and Callable Lambda
Example with ArgumentOn this page we will provide Java 8 Runnable and
Callable lambda example with argument. In java 8 Runnable and Callable both
interface have been annotated by @FunctionalInterface.
Java 8 List Example with forEach(),
removeIf(), replaceAll() and sort()On this page we will provide
java 8 List example with forEach() , removeIf(), replaceAll() and sort().
forEach() method in the List has been inherited from java.lang.Iterable.
Java 8 Reflection Access to Parameter
Names of Method and Constructor with Maven, Gradle and Eclipse using
"-parameters" Compiler ArgumentThis page
will walk through java 8 reflection access to parameter names of method and
constructor with maven, gradle and eclipse using "-parameters"
Compiler Argument.
Java 8 IntStream, LongStream and
DoubleStream ExampleIn this page we are providing the example of Java
8 IntStream, LongStream and DoubleStream. IntStream, LongStream and
DoubleStream are the specialization of primitive int stream, primitive.
Java 8 Random and SecureRandom
Changes ExampleIn java 8, some new methods has been added in
Random and SecureRandom classes. These methods are like ints, longs and
doubles. They return IntStream, LongStream and DoubleStream respectively.
Java 8 CompletableFuture Examplejava.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
is a Future in java 8 which is the derived class of
java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage. CompletableFuture can be completed.
Java 8 Collectors.reducing is used to reduce the
stream element with the help of Comparator and BinaryOperator.
Collectors.reducing returns the Collector with Optional data.
Java 8 Comparator Changes for Lambda
Expression Method ExampleJava 8 has done changes in java.util.Comparator
to support Lambda Expression. New Methods has been added that will use Java 8
function to define a Comparator.
Java 8 Collectors: partitioningBy
ExampleJava 8 Collectors.partitioningBy is a method that partitions
the element of stream always in two part. It returns a Collector that stores
the values in a Map.
Java 8 Collectors: groupingBy ExamplegroupingBy
is a static method of in java 8. groupingBy does
the grouping of elements on the basis of any given key and returns a Collector.
Java 8 Collectors
is a java 8 class that implements the interface.
Collectors has various methods to reduce and summarize elements of stream.
Java 8 Function ExamplesJava 8
provides function API . These API are functional interface. We can assign it as
lambda expression. Function accepts arguments, perform some processing and
finally produces result.
Java 8 BooleanSupplier, IntSupplier,
LongSupplier and DoubleSupplier ExampleJava 8 has introduced supplier
for different data type as functional interface. These are BooleanSupplier,
IntSupplier, LongSupplier and DoubleSupplier classes.
Java 8 Util API: StringJoiner Examplejava.util.StringJoiner
has been introduced in Java 8. StringJoiner is a util method to construct a
string with desired delimiter. If required we can also add prefix and suffix to
the final string.
Java 8 UnaryOperator and
BinaryOperator ExampleJava 8 has introduced UnaryOperator and
BinaryOperator that can be assigned as lambda expression. UnaryOperator and
BinaryOperator are functional interface.
Java 8 Stream: forEach,
forEachOrdered, peek, skip and toArray ExampleThis page
will provide the examples of java 8 Stream forEach, forEachOrdered, peek, skip
and toArray methods. Find the details of each method.
Java 8 Stream: flatMap, generate and
Stream.of ExampleOn this page we will learn java 8
Stream.flatMap(), Stream.generate() and Stream.of() methods. These methods
return stream object.
Java 8 Stream: findAny, findFirst,
limit, max and min ExampleOn this page we will learn the use of java 8
stream findAny, findFirst, limit, max and min method example. findAny,
findFirst, max and min methods return Optional instance.
Java 8 Stream: concat, count, sorted
and distinct ExampleOn this page we will provide the examples of
concat, count, sorted and distinct stream API methods of java 8. concat method
is static and count, sorted and distinct methods are called.
Java 8 Stream: allMatch, anyMatch and
noneMatch ExampleJava 8 Stream allMatch, anyMatch and noneMatch
methods are applied on stream object that matches the given Predicate and then
returns boolean value.Java 8 Stream: filter and map ExampleOn this
page we will learn java 8 stream filter and map. These methods are intermediate
operations. Filter filters a stream on the basis of a given predicate and
returns stream object.
Java 8 BiConsumer, BiFunction and
BiPredicate ExampleOn this page, we will learn java 8 BiConsumer,
BiFunction and BiPredicate functional interface. All the three interface
accepts two arguments. BiConsumer does not return.Java 8 Supplier Examplejava.util.function.Supplier
is a functional interface in java 8. Supplier can be assigned in lambda
expression. Supplier can be passed as an argument to different methods in java 8.
Java 8 Time API Example: Period,
Year, YearMonth and ZonedDateTimeThis page provides example of
java 8 API like Period, Year, YearMonth and ZonedDateTime. These are new
classes introduced in java 8. Period represents a time period.
Java 8 Optional Example | Avoid
NullPointerExceptionjava.util.Optional class has been introduced in
java 8, that will avoid NullPointerException in our code. We can write our code
more readable and in fewer lines because now we will not apply if else
Java 8 Time API Example: MonthDay,
Month, OffsetDateTime and OffsetTimeMonthDay, Month, OffsetDateTime
and OffsetTime has been introduced in Java 8 in time API. MonthDay represents
the combination of month and day. Month is an enum.
Java 8 DateTimeFormatter and
DateTimeFormatterBuilder ExampleJava 8 has provided DateTimeFormatter
and DateTimeFormatterBuilder to play with formatting date, time or both in
different ways. DateTimeFormatter has in-built formats.
Java 8 Time API Example: LocalTime,
LocalDate and LocalDateTimeJava 8 time API has introduced the API to
represent local time by LocalTime that does not know date and time zone,
LocalDate that does not know time and time zone and LocalDateTime represents.
Java 8 Time API Example: DayOfWeek,
Duration and InstantIn this page we will see the example of
DayOfWeek, Duration and Instant java 8 time API. DayOfWeek represents the DAY
name of the week. Duration is time amount that will be represented as a class.
Java 8 Clock Example Using Dependency
Injection FrameworkJava 8 Clock represents current instant, date or
time using time zone. A clock can be used in place of
System.currentTimeMillis() and TimeZone.getDefault().
Java 8 Internal Iteration: External
vs. Internal IterationJava 8 has introduced internal iteration. forEach
can iterate the collection internally. Before java 8, there was no such way to
iterate list internally.
Parallel and Sequential Stream in
Java 8 CollectionJava 8 Collection has been enriched by stream
methods. These methods are stream() and parallelStream() which are default
methods and have been written in Collection interface.
Java 8 Consumer Interface and forEach
LoopIn this page we will learn Consumer functional Interface and
forEach loop introduced in java 8. Consumer functional interface is used as a
lambda expression assignment.
Java 8 Predicate Examplejava.util.function.Predicate
is a functional interface introduced in java 8. Predicate is used for assigning
a lambda expression. The functional interface is test(T t) which returns
Boolean value.
Java 8 Default and Static Method in
InterfaceJava 8 has introduced default method as well as
static method that can be defined in interface. Default method is a normal java
method but starts with default keyword.
Functional Interface in Java 8Java 8 has
introduced the concept of functional interface. Functional interface is nothing
but a simple java interface containing only one method. In the old style
functional interface.
Function.apply in Java 8java.util.function.Function
is an interface and has been introduced in java 8. Function is a functional interface.
So it can be used to accept lambda expression. Function accepts one argument
and returns the result.
Lambda Expressions Java 8 Example Lambda expressions are one of the important
features included in java 8. Lambda Expressions are used to write concise code
for that interface which consist one method i.e. functional interface.
his page will cover java 8 tutorials with
examples. Lambda expressions are one of the important features included in java
8. Lambda Expressions are used to write concise code. Java 8 has introduced
stream API that supports functional-style operations on streams of elements.
Java 8 streams can be computed in parallel and sequential way. Sequential
computation is performed one by one in an order. In parallel processing
computations are processed simultaneously. There is many other new API such as
time, collectors, completable future etc. Now find java 8 examples one by one.
Java 8 Concat Streams, Lists, Sets,
Arrays ExampleOn this page we will provide Java 8 concat
Streams, Lists, Sets, Arrays example. Stream provides concat()method to concatenate two
streams and will return a stream.
Java 8 Distinct ExampleOn this
page we will provide Java 8 Stream distinct() example. distinct() returns a stream
consisting of distinct elements of that stream.
This page will walk through java 8 Stream
tutorial with example. Java 8 has introduced a package that
consists the classes that supports functional-style operations on streams of
On this page we will provide java 8 Stream
sorted() example. We can sort the stream in natural ordering as well as
ordering provided by Comparator.
Java 8 Stream map() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Stream map() example. It returns a Stream instance
processed by a given Function.
On this page we will provide java 8 Stream
filter() example. It is an intermediate operation and can be used with
reduce(), collect(), map() etc.Java 8 Stream collect() Example
On this page we will provide java 8 Stream
collect() example. This method performs mutable reduction operation on the
stream elements.
On this page we will provide java 8 Stream
reduce() example. It is used to get the sum of numbers stored in List, Array
Java 8 Convert List to Map using
Collectors.toMap() ExampleOn this page we will provide java 8 convert List
to Map using Collectors.toMap() example. Using lambda expression, we can
convert List to Map in a single line.
Java 8 Convert Map to List using
Collectors.toList() ExampleOn this page we will provide java 8 convert Map
to List using Collectors.toList() example. A Map has key and value and we can
get all keys and values as List.
Java 8 BigDecimal Sum ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 BigDecimal sum example. We will use lambda
expression for summation of List, Map and Array of BigDecimal.
On this page we will provide Java 8 sum of values
of Array, Map and List collection example using reduce() and collect() method.
There are various ways to calculate the sum of values in java 8.
Java 8 Summary Statistics ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 summary statistics example. We can calculate all
statistical information such as count, min, max, sum, and average in one go.
Java 8 Collectors: joining() ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Collectors joining() example. joining() method
returns Collector instance. It concatenates the input elements in encounter order.
Java 8 Arrays Parallel Prefix ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 Arrays parallel prefix example.
Arrays.parallelPrefix() updates the array on the basis of given operator.
Java 8 Arrays Parallel Sort ExampleOn this
page we will provide Java 8 Arrays parallel Sort Example. Java 8 has introduced
a new method parallelSort() in Arrays class.
Java 8 Stream flatMapToInt,
flatMapToLong and flatMapToDouble ExampleOn this
page we will provide Java 8 Stream flatMapToInt, flatMapToLong and
flatMapToDouble example. flatMapToInt is used for int data.
Java 8 flatMap ExampleOn this
page we will provide java 8 flatMap example. We will discuss here
Stream.flatMap and Optional.flatMap() method.
Java 8 Runnable and Callable Lambda
Example with ArgumentOn this page we will provide Java 8 Runnable and
Callable lambda example with argument. In java 8 Runnable and Callable both
interface have been annotated by @FunctionalInterface.
Java 8 List Example with forEach(),
removeIf(), replaceAll() and sort()On this page we will provide
java 8 List example with forEach() , removeIf(), replaceAll() and sort().
forEach() method in the List has been inherited from java.lang.Iterable.
This page will walk through java 8 reflection
access to parameter names of method and constructor with maven, gradle and
eclipse using "-parameters" Compiler Argument.
Java 8 IntStream, LongStream and
DoubleStream ExampleIn this page we are providing the example of Java
8 IntStream, LongStream and DoubleStream. IntStream, LongStream and
DoubleStream are the specialization of primitive int stream, primitive.
Java 8 Random and SecureRandom
Changes ExampleIn java 8, some new methods has been added in
Random and SecureRandom classes. These methods are like ints, longs and
doubles. They return IntStream, LongStream and DoubleStream respectively.
Java 8 CompletableFuture Examplejava.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
is a Future in java 8 which is the derived class of
java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage. CompletableFuture can be completed.
Java 8 Collectors.reducing is used to reduce the
stream element with the help of Comparator and BinaryOperator.
Collectors.reducing returns the Collector with Optional data.
Java 8 has done changes in java.util.Comparator
to support Lambda Expression. New Methods has been added that will use Java 8
function to define a Comparator.
Java 8 Collectors: partitioningBy
ExampleJava 8 Collectors.partitioningBy is a method that partitions
the element of stream always in two part. It returns a Collector that stores
the values in a Map.
Java 8 Collectors: groupingBy ExamplegroupingBy
is a static method of in java 8. groupingBy does
the grouping of elements on the basis of any given key and returns a Collector.Java 8 Collectors Examples is a java 8 class
that implements the interface. Collectors has
various methods to reduce and summarize elements of stream.
Java 8 provides function API . These API are
functional interface. We can assign it as lambda expression. Function accepts
arguments, perform some processing and finally produces result.
Java 8 has introduced supplier for different data
type as functional interface. These are BooleanSupplier, IntSupplier,
LongSupplier and DoubleSupplier classes.
java.util.StringJoiner has been introduced in
Java 8. StringJoiner is a util method to construct a string with desired
delimiter. If required we can also add prefix and suffix to the final string.
Java 8 has introduced UnaryOperator and
BinaryOperator that can be assigned as lambda expression. UnaryOperator and
BinaryOperator are functional interface.
This page will provide the examples of java 8
Stream forEach, forEachOrdered, peek, skip and toArray methods. Find the
details of each method.
On this page we will learn java 8
Stream.flatMap(), Stream.generate() and Stream.of() methods. These methods
return stream object.
On this page we will learn the use of java 8
stream findAny, findFirst, limit, max and min method example. findAny,
findFirst, max and min methods return Optional instance.
Java 8 Stream: concat, count, sorted
and distinct ExampleOn this page we will provide the examples of
concat, count, sorted and distinct stream API methods of java 8. concat method
is static and count, sorted and distinct methods are called.
Java 8 Stream: allMatch, anyMatch and
noneMatch ExampleJava 8 Stream allMatch, anyMatch and noneMatch
methods are applied on stream object that matches the given Predicate and then
returns boolean value.
On this page we will learn java 8 stream filter
and map. These methods are intermediate operations. Filter filters a stream on
the basis of a given predicate and returns stream object.
On this page, we will learn java 8 BiConsumer,
BiFunction and BiPredicate functional interface. All the three interface
accepts two arguments. BiConsumer does not return.
java.util.function.Supplier is a functional
interface in java 8. Supplier can be assigned in lambda expression. Supplier
can be passed as an argument to different methods in java 8.
This page provides example of java 8 API like
Period, Year, YearMonth and ZonedDateTime. These are new classes introduced in
java 8. Period represents a time period.
java.util.Optional class has been introduced in
java 8, that will avoid NullPointerException in our code. We can write our code
more readable and in fewer lines because now we will not apply if else
MonthDay, Month, OffsetDateTime and OffsetTime
has been introduced in Java 8 in time API. MonthDay represents the combination
of month and day. Month is an enum.
Java 8 DateTimeFormatter and
DateTimeFormatterBuilder ExampleJava 8 has provided
DateTimeFormatter and DateTimeFormatterBuilder to play with formatting date,
time or both in different ways. DateTimeFormatter has in-built formats.
Java 8 time API has introduced the API to
represent local time by LocalTime that does not know date and time zone, LocalDate
that does not know time and time zone and LocalDateTime represents.
In this page we will see the example of
DayOfWeek, Duration and Instant java 8 time API. DayOfWeek represents the DAY
name of the week. Duration is time amount that will be represented as a class.
Java 8 Clock Example Using Dependency
Injection FrameworkJava 8 Clock represents current instant, date or
time using time zone. A clock can be used in place of
System.currentTimeMillis() and TimeZone.getDefault().
Java 8 has introduced internal iteration. forEach
can iterate the collection internally. Before java 8, there was no such way to
iterate list internally.
Java 8 Collection has been enriched by stream
methods. These methods are stream() and parallelStream() which are default
methods and have been written in Collection interface.
Java 8 Consumer Interface and forEach
LoopIn this page we will learn Consumer functional Interface and
forEach loop introduced in java 8. Consumer functional interface is used as a
lambda expression assignment.
8 Predicate Example java.util.function.Predicate
is a functional interface introduced in java 8. Predicate is used for assigning
a lambda expression. The functional interface is test(T t) which returns
Boolean value.
Java 8 Default and Static Method in
InterfaceJava 8 has introduced default method as well as
static method that can be defined in interface. Default method is a normal java
method but starts with default keyword.
Functional Interface in Java 8Java 8 has
introduced the concept of functional interface. Functional interface is nothing
but a simple java interface containing only one method. In the old style
functional interface.
in Java 8java.util.function.Function
is an interface and has been introduced in java 8. Function is a functional
interface. So it can be used to accept lambda expression. Function accepts one
argument and returns the result.
Lambda Expressions Java 8 ExampleLambda
expressions are one of the important features included in java 8. Lambda
Expressions are used to write concise code for that interface which consist one
method i.e. functional interface.
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