Projects by category:
big-data (39):
- Apache Airavata
- Apache Ambari
- Apache Apex
- Apache Avro
- Apache Beam
- Apache Bigtop
- Apache BookKeeper
- Apache Calcite
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache Crunch
- Apache DataFu (Incubating)
- Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)
- Apache Drill
- Apache Edgent (Incubating)
- Apache Falcon
- Apache Flink
- Apache Flume
- Apache Giraph
- Apache Hama
- Apache Helix
- Apache Ignite
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Knox
- Apache Lens
- Apache MetaModel
- Apache Oozie
- Apache ORC
- Apache Parquet
- Apache Phoenix
- Apache PredictionIO (Incubating)
- Apache REEF
- Apache Samza
- Apache Spark
- Apache Sqoop
- Apache Storm
- Apache Tajo
- Apache Tez
- Apache VXQuery
- Apache Zeppelin
build-management (21):
- Apache .NET Ant Library
- Apache Ant
- Apache AntUnit
- Apache Archiva
- Apache Bloodhound
- Apache Buildr
- Apache Compress Ant Library
- Apache Continuum (in the Attic)
- Apache Forrest
- Apache Gump
- Apache Ivy
- Apache IvyDE
- Apache Maven
- Apache Maven Doxia
- Apache Props Ant Library
- Apache Rat
- Apache Subversion
- Apache Tentacles
- Apache VSS Ant Library
- Apache Whisker
- Apache Yetus
cloud (13):
content (17):
- Apache Allura
- Apache Annotator (Incubating)
- Apache Any23
- Apache Clerezza
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache cTAKES
- Apache ESME (in the Attic)
- Apache FreeMarker (Incubating)
- Apache JSPWiki
- Apache ManifoldCF
- Apache OFBiz
- Apache Open Climate Workbench
- Apache OpenOffice
- Apache Roller
- Apache Stanbol
- Apache Taverna (Incubating)
- Apache Whimsy
data-management-platform (1):
database (25):
- Apache Accumulo
- Apache Cassandra
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Cocoon
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache Curator
- Apache Derby
- Apache Empire-db
- Apache Forrest
- Apache Gora
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache HBase
- Apache Hive
- Apache Ignite
- Apache Jackrabbit
- Apache Lucene Core
- Apache Lucene.Net
- Apache Lucy
- Apache MetaModel
- Apache OFBiz
- Apache OpenJPA
- Apache ORC
- Apache Phoenix
- Apache Pig
- Apache Torque
distributed-sql-database (1):
ftp (1):
graphics (5):
hadoop (4):
html (1):
http (15):
httpd-module (4): (2): (1): (2):
identity-management (3):
identity-provisioning (2):
iot (1):
java (1):
javaee (10):
kerberos (1):
library (97):
- Apache Anakia
- Apache Aries
- Apache Avro
- Apache Axiom
- Apache BVal
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Chemistry
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache Commons BCEL
- Apache Commons BeanUtils
- Apache Commons BSF
- Apache Commons Chain
- Apache Commons CLI
- Apache Commons Codec
- Apache Commons Collections
- Apache Commons Compress
- Apache Commons Configuration
- Apache Commons Daemon
- Apache Commons DBCP
- Apache Commons DbUtils
- Apache Commons Digester
- Apache Commons Discovery
- Apache Commons EL
- Apache Commons Email
- Apache Commons Exec
- Apache Commons FileUpload
- Apache Commons Functor
- Apache Commons HttpClient
- Apache Commons IO
- Apache Commons JCI
- Apache Commons JCS
- Apache Commons Jelly
- Apache Commons JEXL
- Apache Commons JXPath
- Apache Commons Lang
- Apache Commons Launcher
- Apache Commons Logging
- Apache Commons Math
- Apache Commons Modeler
- Apache Commons Net
- Apache Commons OGNL
- Apache Commons Pool
- Apache Commons Proxy
- Apache Commons RNG
- Apache Commons SCXML
- Apache Commons Validator
- Apache Commons VFS
- Apache Commons Weaver
- Apache Cordova
- Apache Crunch
- Apache cTAKES
- Apache CXF
- Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)
- Apache ECS (in the Attic)
- Apache Edgent (Incubating)
- Apache Etch (in the Attic)
- Apache Fortress
- Apache Groovy
- Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)
- Apache HttpComponents Client
- Apache HttpComponents Core
- Apache Jackrabbit
- Apache jclouds
- Apache Jena
- Apache Kerby
- Apache Libcloud
- Apache log4cxx
- Apache log4j
- Apache log4net
- Apache log4php
- Apache Lucene Core
- Apache Mahout
- Apache MetaModel
- Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)
- Apache Olingo
- Apache Oltu - Parent
- Apache OpenJPA
- Apache OpenNLP
- Apache ORC
- Apache ORO (in the Attic)
- Apache Pivot
- Apache Polygene
- Apache Portable Runtime
- Apache Regexp (in the Attic)
- Apache Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib
- Apache Santuario
- Apache Serf
- Apache Shiro
- Apache Spatial Information System
- Apache Steve
- Apache Texen
- Apache Thrift
- Apache Tika
- Apache Velocity
- Apache Velocity DVSL
- Apache Velocity Tools
- Apache Yetus
mail (2):
mobile (3):
network-client (26):
- Apache ActiveMQ
- Apache Axis2
- Apache Camel
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Chainsaw
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache Cocoon
- Apache Commons HttpClient
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache CXF
- Apache Directory
- Apache Directory Studio
- Apache Edgent (Incubating)
- Apache Etch (in the Attic)
- Apache Forrest
- Apache Guacamole
- Apache HttpComponents Client
- Apache HttpComponents Core
- Apache Ignite
- Apache MINA
- Apache OpenMeetings
- Apache Qpid
- Apache ServiceMix
- Apache Synapse
- Apache Taverna (Incubating)
- Apache Thrift
network-server (40):
- Apache ActiveMQ
- Apache Airavata
- Apache Axis2
- Apache Camel
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Celix
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache Cocoon
- Apache CouchDB
- Apache CXF
- Apache Directory
- Apache Directory Server
- Apache Etch (in the Attic)
- Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)
- Apache Felix
- Apache Forrest
- Apache FtpServer
- Apache Geronimo
- Apache Guacamole
- Apache HTTP Server
- Apache HttpComponents Core
- Apache Ignite
- Apache Jackrabbit
- Apache JAMES
- Apache Karaf
- Apache MINA
- Apache mod_ftp
- Apache ODE
- Apache OFBiz
- Apache OpenMeetings
- Apache Qpid
- Apache ServiceMix
- Apache Solr
- Apache SSHD
- Apache Synapse
- Apache Thrift
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache TomEE
- Apache Vysper
- Apache Whirr (in the Attic)
osgi (7):
regexp (2):
retired (27):
- Apache Abdera (in the Attic)
- Apache Beehive (in the Attic)
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache Continuum (in the Attic)
- Apache Deltacloud (in the Attic)
- Apache DeviceMap (in the Attic)
- Apache DirectMemory (in the Attic)
- Apache ECS (in the Attic)
- Apache ESME (in the Attic)
- Apache Etch (in the Attic)
- Apache Excalibur (in the Attic)
- Apache Harmony (in the Attic)
- Apache Hivemind (in the Attic)
- Apache Jakarta Cactus (in the Attic)
- Apache Lenya (in the Attic)
- Apache MRUnit (in the Attic)
- Apache ORO (in the Attic)
- Apache Regexp (in the Attic)
- Apache Shale (in the Attic)
- Apache Shindig (in the Attic)
- Apache Stratos (in the Attic)
- Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)
- Apache Whirr (in the Attic)
- Apache Wink (in the Attic)
- Apache Wookie (in the Attic)
- Apache Xindice (in the Attic)
- Apache XMLBeans (in the Attic)
sdk (2):
search (2):
security (4):
sql (2):
templating (1):
testing (5):
virtual-machine (1):
web-framework (27):
- Apache Beehive (in the Attic)
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache Cocoon
- Apache Flex
- Apache Forrest
- Apache Geronimo
- Apache Isis
- Apache Lenya (in the Attic)
- Apache MyFaces
- Apache Nutch
- Apache OFBiz
- Apache OODT
- Apache Portals
- Apache Rivet
- Apache Shale (in the Attic)
- Apache Shiro
- Apache Solr
- Apache Struts
- Apache Tapestry
- Apache Tiles
- Apache Tobago
- Apache Turbine
- Apache Tuscany (in the Attic)
- Apache Websh
- Apache Wicket
- Apache Wookie (in the Attic)
xml (31):
- Apache Abdera (in the Attic)
- Apache Axiom
- Apache Axis2
- Apache Batik
- Apache Cayenne
- Apache Click (in the Attic)
- Apache Cocoon
- Apache CXF
- Apache FOP
- Apache Forrest
- Apache Jackrabbit
- Apache Lenya (in the Attic)
- Apache ODE
- Apache OFBiz
- Apache Sandesha2
- Apache Santuario
- Apache Scout
- Apache ServiceMix
- Apache Synapse
- Apache Taverna (Incubating)
- Apache VXQuery
- Apache Woden
- Apache Xalan for C++ XSLT Processor
- Apache Xalan for Java XSLT Processor
- Apache Xerces for C++ XML Parser
- Apache Xerces for Java XML Parser
- Apache Xerces for Perl XML Parser
- Apache Xindice (in the Attic)
- Apache XML Commons External
- Apache XML Commons Resolver
- Apache XMLBeans (in the Attic)
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