Saturday, May 25, 2013


 Life filters, Thought filters...& eventually the radius of circle of concern shrinks down to sync up with circle of influence .....or it could be silent march other wise,which ever is true , hope shall prevail ! Amen.

As I was cleaning up data from HDD ,I chanced upon to discover the ignited mind in archives ...........A poster that I made almost 5 years ago :)

START: 8:00 pm Thoughts :  

10:00 pm Thoughts 

" The foundation of any great nation,civilized society & cultured family ,requires three critical resources: intellectual mothers,responsible fathers & intelligent n encouraging teachers.
To generate these three resources, quality education that could ensure empowerment  needs to be spread across the length & breadth of the country & among various economic stratum of  society."

 11:00 pm  Thoughts : 

"Be it Kyoto Protocol,or the Earth summits or the Go Green initiatives,the world leaders have
discussed global warming ad nauseam & the outcome is :Globe is still getting warmer,coral reefs are still dying ,oceans are still becoming acidic & to top it all species are still extincting.
The melting of arctic sheet or ganga glacier aren't some natural Darwinian phenomenon happening in the course of universe.They are outcome of human actions ,so no one else ,but human will have to rectify them. 

Since the beginning to industrial revolution in mid -1700, atmospheric concentration of CO2  & CH4   have  gone up by 36% & 148% respectively.Every time one tonne of cellulose is created,approximately 400 KG of carbon is pulled out of the atmosphere ,till the time wood is burnt again. 

Hence "Plant a tree or Pay to get a tree planted " should be added as a fundamental duty in of every citizen in constitution.No driving licences or passports should be issued ,unless this duty has been fulfilled.It might be a herculean task to introduce this change in our attitude,but then we need to develop an attitude of gratitude towards earth !.

11:30 pm  Thoughts :

  Terrorism: Ah ! that puts me in catch 22!.no concrete solution .May be we need to introduce a

human verification system,where yearly status of human activities could be maintained.

12:00 AM Thoughts : RedFort August 15th 20__

"The present state of our country good or bad is a consequence of sum of responsible (+)& irresponsible actions of each citizen of the country ,off course weightages can be assigned to  individuals,same is applied to world as well. 

The fact that we are facing numerous national problems in our present reflects that our irresponsible actions have outdone responsible ones.More than the scarcity of resources ,it is the mis utilization of resources due to lack of interest in national interest ,that derails us from the path of progress.

Hence as we commence this new phase,lets ensure we will be that driven part of society which cares for national resources  & same will be reflected  in our every day actions.We will be those awakened individuals who will balance out the irresponsible actions by our responsible actions...."

7:00 AM Thoughts :

Ah ! was that just dream & its Monday Morning .......aaaaaaaah

Reality bites ......... but its in dreams where reality begins ......


The poster in whole .......

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